Allu Arjun shared a post on social media for the first time since his home in Hyderabad was vandalized over the weekend. The actor has been at the center of controversy since the release of his film Pushpa 2: The Rule. He has also been subjected to legal issues after a woman died in a stampede during the screening of Pushpa, and her son was critically injured. However, the husband of the woman said that he does not hold Allu Arjun responsible. Allu Arjun shared a post on social media for the first time since his home in Hyderabad was vandalized over the weekend. The actor has been at the center of controversy since the release of his film Pushpa 2: The Rule. He has also been subjected to legal issues after a woman died in a stampede during the screening of Pushpa, and her son was critically injured. However, the husband of the woman said that he does not hold Allu Arjun responsible. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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