On Monday, Pushpa 2 actor Allu Arjun’s regular bail plea was heard in Hyderabad’s Nampally District Court. The police had filed a counter against Allu Arjun’s bail plea in the Sandhya theatre case. Allu’s lawyer Senior Counsel Niranjan Reddy argued on his bail plea. At the same time, the Public Prosecution demanded the dismissal of the bail plea. After the arguments of both sides were completed, the Nampally Court adjourned the decision till January 3. On Monday, Pushpa 2 actor Allu Arjun’s regular bail plea was heard in Hyderabad’s Nampally District Court. The police had filed a counter against Allu Arjun’s bail plea in the Sandhya theatre case. Allu’s lawyer Senior Counsel Niranjan Reddy argued on his bail plea. At the same time, the Public Prosecution demanded the dismissal of the bail plea. After the arguments of both sides were completed, the Nampally Court adjourned the decision till January 3. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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