BJP’s young and popular MP Tejasvi Surya is going to tie the knot soon. It is being told that Bengaluru South Lok Sabha MP will marry Chennai’s famous singer and Bharatnatyam artist Sivasri Skandaprasad. However, no official statement has been issued by Tejasvi Surya on this news yet, but now discussions have intensified about his would-be bride on the internet. BJP’s young and popular MP Tejasvi Surya is going to tie the knot soon. It is being told that Bengaluru South Lok Sabha MP will marry Chennai’s famous singer and Bharatnatyam artist Sivasri Skandaprasad. However, no official statement has been issued by Tejasvi Surya on this news yet, but now discussions have intensified about his would-be bride on the internet. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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