In the latest development in the Sandhya Theatre stampede case, actor Allu Arjun has been granted regular bail by Hyderabad’s Nampally court on Friday. As per the court’s order, two sureties of Rs 50,000 each will have to be given by the Pushpa 2 star. After being granted bail, Allu Arjun’s lawyer said, ”Bail has been approved, just as there are generally conditions at the time of bail, similarly in this case also you will have to attend the police station (Chikkadpally) every Sunday. Quash petition is in the High Court on 21 January.” In the latest development in the Sandhya Theatre stampede case, actor Allu Arjun has been granted regular bail by Hyderabad’s Nampally court on Friday. As per the court’s order, two sureties of Rs 50,000 each will have to be given by the Pushpa 2 star. After being granted bail, Allu Arjun’s lawyer said, ”Bail has been approved, just as there are generally conditions at the time of bail, similarly in this case also you will have to attend the police station (Chikkadpally) every Sunday. Quash petition is in the High Court on 21 January.” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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