Bollywood diva Janhvi Kapoor on Saturday visited the iconic Tirumala Temple to seek the blessing of Lord Venkateswara. She was accompanied by her BFF, Shikhar Pahariya. She sought blessing at the iconic temple amid high security and was also surrounded by her fans. She even acknowledged her fans as she greeted them with a smile while exiting the temple. The actress often visits the Tirumala Temple. Janhvi last visited the temple last year on her late mother Sridevi’s birth anniversary and interestingly she then also was accompanied by Shikhar. Meanwhile, a video of her latest visit to the temple is doing rounds on social media. Bollywood diva Janhvi Kapoor on Saturday visited the iconic Tirumala Temple to seek the blessing of Lord Venkateswara. She was accompanied by her BFF, Shikhar Pahariya. She sought blessing at the iconic temple amid high security and was also surrounded by her fans. She even acknowledged her fans as she greeted them with a smile while exiting the temple. The actress often visits the Tirumala Temple. Janhvi last visited the temple last year on her late mother Sridevi’s birth anniversary and interestingly she then also was accompanied by Shikhar. Meanwhile, a video of her latest visit to the temple is doing rounds on social media. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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