Himesh Reshammiya on Sunday treated his fans after he shared the trailer of his upcoming film, based on his character from the 2014 film The Xpose. It is titled Badass Ravi Kumar. Along with the trailer, the singer-turned-actor also announced the release date of the actioner. It is slated to hit the big screens on February 7. Titled Badass Ravi Kumar, the new movie is an action musical entertainer which will see Reshammiya reprising his character of Ravi Kumar. Himesh Reshammiya on Sunday treated his fans after he shared the trailer of his upcoming film, based on his character from the 2014 film The Xpose. It is titled Badass Ravi Kumar. Along with the trailer, the singer-turned-actor also announced the release date of the actioner. It is slated to hit the big screens on February 7. Titled Badass Ravi Kumar, the new movie is an action musical entertainer which will see Reshammiya reprising his character of Ravi Kumar. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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