The Malayalam film ‘Marco’ directed by Haneef Adeni has created history. This film has become the first A-rated Malayalam film to cross the Rs 100 crore mark worldwide. Marco has rocked the box office not only in India but also overseas. The film features South actors Unni Mukundan, Yukti Thareja and Kabir Duhan Singh in lead roles. The film was released on December 20 in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and Kannada languages. The Malayalam film ‘Marco’ directed by Haneef Adeni has created history. This film has become the first A-rated Malayalam film to cross the Rs 100 crore mark worldwide. Marco has rocked the box office not only in India but also overseas. The film features South actors Unni Mukundan, Yukti Thareja and Kabir Duhan Singh in lead roles. The film was released on December 20 in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and Kannada languages. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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