Kiran Rao’s ‘Laapataa Ladies’ may have been out of the Oscars 2025 race, but there is still a ray of hope for Indian films in this prestigious award. Now only two months are left for the 97th Academy Awards ceremony and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has released the list of 323 feature films eligible for this year’s Oscar. Out of these, 207 films have met the eligibility requirements for the Best Picture category in the prestigious awards, interestingly, five Indian films are also included in the contender films, which have managed to make it to the list of 207 films. Kiran Rao’s ‘Laapataa Ladies’ may have been out of the Oscars 2025 race, but there is still a ray of hope for Indian films in this prestigious award. Now only two months are left for the 97th Academy Awards ceremony and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has released the list of 323 feature films eligible for this year’s Oscar. Out of these, 207 films have met the eligibility requirements for the Best Picture category in the prestigious awards, interestingly, five Indian films are also included in the contender films, which have managed to make it to the list of 207 films. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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