Mumbai Police confirmed on Friday that the person brought to Bandra police station for questioning is not related to Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan’s attack case. “No one is detained in Saif Ali Khan Attack Case of now”, the Mumbai police added. For the unversed, an individual, whose name has not yet been confirmed, was reportedly brought to the Bandra police station. According to a Mumbai Police official, after police questioned other individuals who looked like the attacker, he was taken into custody. However, now the officials have confirmed that the person questioned was not related to the actor’s stabbing case. Mumbai Police confirmed on Friday that the person brought to Bandra police station for questioning is not related to Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan’s attack case. “No one is detained in Saif Ali Khan Attack Case of now”, the Mumbai police added. For the unversed, an individual, whose name has not yet been confirmed, was reportedly brought to the Bandra police station. According to a Mumbai Police official, after police questioned other individuals who looked like the attacker, he was taken into custody. However, now the officials have confirmed that the person questioned was not related to the actor’s stabbing case. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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