New Delhi: Sonam Kapoor, who was recently announced as the ambassador for French luxury house Dior, has now joined Oscar-winning actresses – Charlize Theron & Rosamund Pike along with Wimbledon champion & Olympic gold medallist Venus Williams for Dior’s first campaign of 2025 with Dior Capture. With this campaign in 2025, Dior reinvents Capture, its pioneering line which has been fighting the signs of ageing for nearly 40 years, based on the most advanced scientific research. Dior Capture expresses all the strength of women around the world, regardless of their backgrounds, stories, and life choices.
Through Dior’s latest campaign – they aim to deliver the message of universal femininity, to draw strength from within the soul and reveal confidence. And because femininity is both powerful and multifaceted, Dior brings together inspiring and charismatic women from around the world including Sonam Kapoor, Charlize Theron, Glenn Close, Laetitia Casta, Rosamund Pike, Venus Williams and Xin Liu as the confident, daring new faces of Dior Capture femininity.
Sonam features in a video and a series of pictures for the Dior Capture campaign.
She said, “Dior and I have shared a long-standing relationship and I’ve always been drawn to how the brand blends its incredible legacy with the pulse of today’s world. It’s about being authentic and also evolving with today’s times and Dior Capture is just that. Through extensive pioneering research, Dior has brought to life this unique serum with Dior’s floral science. Just how Dior Capture expresses the strength of women around the world – irrespective of their backgrounds, stories and life choices – I hope through this campaign, people embrace the best version of themselves – and draw strength from within to get the confidence they need.”
Sonam Kapoor joins Charlize Theron, Venus Williams, and other global icons in Dior’s 2025 Capture campaign. Celebrating strength and universal femininity, the campaign showcases women’s confidence and diversity through stunning visuals and inspiring messages. Sonam shares how Dior’s innovation blends tradition with modernity, empowering individuals to embrace their authentic selves. Fashion Lifestyle News -Fashion Trends, Beauty Tips, Celebrity Party News, Relationship advice, Travel and Food Tips