Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was discharged from Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital on Tuesday. The actor was admitted to the Mumbai hospital on January 16 at 3:00 am. After 6 days, the actor has now been discharged. For the unversed, Saif was attacked by an intruder on January 16 at 2:00 am. He was stabbed multiple times on the night and was later taken to hospital in an auto by his song Taimoor and Ibrahim Ali Khan. Mumbai Police’s several teams have been working on this case and after days of chasing, the attacker was nabbed by Mumbai Police in Thane, a suburb of Mumbai overnight on January 18-19. Now more details about the attacker have been uncovered. Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was discharged from Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital on Tuesday. The actor was admitted to the Mumbai hospital on January 16 at 3:00 am. After 6 days, the actor has now been discharged. For the unversed, Saif was attacked by an intruder on January 16 at 2:00 am. He was stabbed multiple times on the night and was later taken to hospital in an auto by his song Taimoor and Ibrahim Ali Khan. Mumbai Police’s several teams have been working on this case and after days of chasing, the attacker was nabbed by Mumbai Police in Thane, a suburb of Mumbai overnight on January 18-19. Now more details about the attacker have been uncovered. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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