Saif Ali Khan’s first look after being discharged from Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital has surfaced, which is becoming increasingly viral on social media. A heavy police force is deployed outside his house, Satguru Sharan apartment. It was earlier speculated that Saif would go to his other Mumbai residence after being discharged but the actor has gone to the same house where he was attacked on January 16. It was earlier reported that his wife and actor Kareena Kapoor Khan and their children Taimoor and Jeh are currently living in Fortune Heights situated near their current house. This is the same flat where Saif and Kareena lived before moving to the new Bandra house. Saif Ali Khan’s first look after being discharged from Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital has surfaced, which is becoming increasingly viral on social media. A heavy police force is deployed outside his house, Satguru Sharan apartment. It was earlier speculated that Saif would go to his other Mumbai residence after being discharged but the actor has gone to the same house where he was attacked on January 16. It was earlier reported that his wife and actor Kareena Kapoor Khan and their children Taimoor and Jeh are currently living in Fortune Heights situated near their current house. This is the same flat where Saif and Kareena lived before moving to the new Bandra house. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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