Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was discharged from Lilavati Hospital on Tuesday. Saif was attacked with a knife on the night of January 16, after which he was admitted to the hospital in critical condition. After suffering injuries to his neck and spine, Saif took an auto rickshaw to the hospital and got treatment. After 6 days of being in Lilavati, the actor reached back his Mumbai residence Satguru Sharan apartment today. On the other hand, the actor approached Ronit Roy’s security agency for his safety on Tuesday. Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was discharged from Lilavati Hospital on Tuesday. Saif was attacked with a knife on the night of January 16, after which he was admitted to the hospital in critical condition. After suffering injuries to his neck and spine, Saif took an auto rickshaw to the hospital and got treatment. After 6 days of being in Lilavati, the actor reached back his Mumbai residence Satguru Sharan apartment today. On the other hand, the actor approached Ronit Roy’s security agency for his safety on Tuesday. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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