New Delhi: Plants are known for their beauty, and seldom we associate them with deadliness. However, there are certain plants in the world who are incredibly poisonous, so much so that even if you are fascinated by their beauty, you should stay away from them. From the death of Socrates by poison hemlock to the accidental ingestion of deadly nightshade by children, the death toll of the poisonous plants can be found throughout the history. In this article, we will take a look at some of the most poisonous plants in the world.
The deadliest plants in the world
Water Hemlock
The Water Hemlock has a close relation with the poison hemlock and is known as North America’s most toxic plant. A large wildflower in the carrot family, it has deadly cicutoxin, especially in its roots and anyone who consumes it can develop fatal symptoms. Some of the common symptoms are abdominal cramps, nausea and painful convulsions and death is common. Those who survive are affected by lasting tremors or amnesia.
Deadly Nightshade
The Atropa belladonna is a deadly plant and is commonly known as the Deadly Nightshade. It belong to the same family as potatoes and tomatoes and can be found in Europe including Britain and also in North Africa, Western Asia and some parts of Canada and the US. It so deadly that even 10 berries of the plant can kill a person.
It is one of the most famous and toxic plants in the world and is also the most widely grown commercial non-food plant. Despite being population, the entire plant, especially the leaves are toxic with alkaloids nicotine and anabasine. It is a cardiac poison and can even lead to death. Indirectly, tobacco leads to the deaths of 8 million people in a year as per WHO.
The Manchineel is so lethal that it is sometimes known as the most poisonous tree in the world. It has a Spanish name which means ‘little apple of death’. It found in tropical parts of the Americas and the entirety of the tree is highly toxic. The most toxic part is the fruit with even a single bite of the small green crabapples can cause death.
White Snakeroot
The White Snakeroot killed Abraham Lincoln’s mother, Nancy Hanks. Found in North America, the plant can kill anyone if directly ingested. Infact, Nancy Hanks died by just drinking the milk of a cow who had grazed on the plant. Yes, it is that deadly and today, the increased awareness of the farmers has resulted in more efforts to remove the plant from animal pastures.
This flowering plant is beautiful with a very attractive smell. Infact, it is famous and expensive for its delicate perfume and for being the symbol of love and happiness. However, the flowering plant is highly toxic due to a high concentration of heart-active cardiac glycosides. Also, its flowers and red berries can cause death if consumed.
Castor Bean
Found in Africa, it is mainly grown as an ornamental. While the seeds produce castor oil, they also have the poison ricin and can caused death even if used in small amounts. A child can be killed by one or two seeds and an adult can be killed by up to eight seeds. In 1978, the poison was used to kill Georgi Markov, a journalist who spoke out against the Bulgarian government and it has been mailed to many politicians in the US in failed terrorism attempts.
Rosary Pea
The seeds of Rosary Pea contain abrin, which is a deadly ribosome-inhibiting protein. Found in the tropical areas, it is mainly used in prayer rosaries and jewelry. The intact seeds are not poisonous but if they are scratched, broken, or chewed, the seeds can cause death. An adult can die just from 3 micrograms of abrin. As per reports, many jewelry makers have died after they accidentally pricked their fingers while working with the seeds.
This article explores eight of the world’s most dangerous plants. From the infamous deadly nightshade to the seemingly innocuous lily-of-the-valley, we examine the toxic properties and potential dangers associated with each. knowledge Knowledge News, Photos and Videos on General Knowledge