Akshay Kumar’s latest offering Sky Force has failed its first Monday test after a decent start of January 24. Also starring Veer Pahariya in the lead role, the film’s collections witnessed a massive drop on its fourth day. As per Sacnilk, Sky Force earned just Rs 6.25 crore, which is nearly 80 per cent less than its Sunday figures. On Day 3, the film collected Rs 28 crore, which was its single highest total so far. Akshay Kumar’s latest offering Sky Force has failed its first Monday test after a decent start of January 24. Also starring Veer Pahariya in the lead role, the film’s collections witnessed a massive drop on its fourth day. As per Sacnilk, Sky Force earned just Rs 6.25 crore, which is nearly 80 per cent less than its Sunday figures. On Day 3, the film collected Rs 28 crore, which was its single highest total so far. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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