New Delhi: Chhaava, a Hindi-language historical action film based on the life of Maratha Emperor Sambhaji has garnered tremendous attention for various reasons. The film is scheduled for a theatrical release on February 14, 2025, and the character of Sambhaji is played by Vicky Kaushal. The film is based on the Marathi novel Chhava by Shivaji Sawant. The film will show Sambhaji’s conflicts with the Mughal Empire and its ruler, Aurangzeb. In this article, we will take a look at how the life of Sambhaji was shaped by his clashes with the Mughal Empire.
Who was Sambhaji and why is he revered in India?
Sambhaji was the eldest son of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, the man who founded the Maratha Empire. After Shivaji, he became the second Chhatrapati of the Maratha Empire and ruled from 1681 to 1689. Born on May 14, 1657, Sambhaji led a very short life as he died on March 11, 1689, at the age of 31. Despite ruling for a short tenure, Sambhaji is hailed as one of the greatest rulers in the history of the Maratha Empire and is widely revered in India. Notably, his rule was largely shaped by the ongoing wars between the Marathas and the Mughal Empire, and also other neighbouring powers like the Wadiyars of Mysore, Abyssinians of Janjira and the Portuguese Empire in Goa.
Sambhaji and the Mughal Empire: The beginning of the conflicts
In 1680, Sambhaji led the Maratha forces and plundered Burhanpur (today in Madhya Pradesh) which was then under the control of the Mughal Empire. His forces destroyed the Mughal garrison and mercilessly executed captives. After looting the city, the Marathas set its ports ablaze.
Giving shelter to Muhammad Akbar
In 1681, Muhammad Akbar, the fourth son of Aurangzeb rebelled against his father. After Aurangzeb defeated the rebels, Akbar went to Sambhaji seeking protection and shelter. Akbar stayed with Sambhaji for five years hoping that the latter would lend him men and money to capture the Mughal throne. Ultimately, Sambhaji helped Akbar to escape to Persia. Also, it forced Aurangzeb to come to Deccan, and he never returned to his capital in the north.
In 1682, the Mughals tried to capture the Maratha fort of Ramsej. The imperial forces, led by Aurangzeb, tried for five months, and even planted explosive mines and built wooden towers to climb the walls, but all these efforts eventually proved to be unsuccessful. Sambhaji, knew that the Mughal army was numerically superior to the Maratha army and Aurangzeb would try to take advantage of that. Hence, he came up with a plan in which the Maratha forces engaged the strong Mughal army in several small battles using guerilla warfare tactics. They used to attack the Mughal army when it was small and vulnerable, avoiding large Mughal forces.
Later, Aurangzeb attacked the Raigad Fort, the capital of the Maratha Empire. However, the Marathas, led by Sambhaji routed the Mughals. These failures forced Aurangzeb to look away from the Maratha Empire and search for success against the Adil Shahi dynasty and the Qutb Shahi dynasty.
The capture and execution
Throughout his life, Sambhaji bravely resisted the Mughal Empire and Aurangzeb, repelling and defeating them on several occasions. However, his valiant efforts came to a tragic end. In 1689, the Mughal forces captured Sambhaji due to the betrayal of the Maratha officials close to him. He was tortured by the Mughals with Aurangzeb personally humiliating him. After inflicting great torture on him, Sambhaji was executed on March 11, 1689, at Tulapur on the banks of the Bhima river near Pune.
Chhaava, a Hindi-language film starring Vicky Kaushal as Sambhaji Maharaj, depicts the Maratha Emperor’s tumultuous reign and conflicts with the Mughal Empire under Aurangzeb. The movie highlights Sambhaji’s bravery and strategic military maneuvers against a numerically superior force, showcasing his significant role in Maratha history. knowledge Knowledge News, Photos and Videos on General Knowledge