The Jonas Brothers – Nick, Joe and Kevin, are all set reunite with Disney to produce and star in a Christmas comedy movie, which will be released during the holiday season later this year. In the film, which is currently titled Jonas Brothers Christmas Movie, Kevin Jonas, Joe Jonas, and Nick Jonas “face a series of escalating obstacles as they struggle to make it from London to New York in time to spend Christmas with their families,” as described in the logline. The Jonas Brothers – Nick, Joe and Kevin, are all set reunite with Disney to produce and star in a Christmas comedy movie, which will be released during the holiday season later this year. In the film, which is currently titled Jonas Brothers Christmas Movie, Kevin Jonas, Joe Jonas, and Nick Jonas “face a series of escalating obstacles as they struggle to make it from London to New York in time to spend Christmas with their families,” as described in the logline. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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