In the latest development in the Saif Ali Khan stabbing case, the face of the accused Shariful Islam has matched with the picture captured in the CCTV footage of the actor’s residence. The face recognition report of Saif Ali Khan’s attacker Shariful Islam has been prepared in Kalina Forensic Lab. According to sources, in the face recognition test, the picture of Shariful, who was captured in the CCTV room while coming down the stairs in Saif Ali Khan’s building, was matched forensically with the picture taken after Shariful’s arrest, in which both the pictures matched. The test has come positive. In the latest development in the Saif Ali Khan stabbing case, the face of the accused Shariful Islam has matched with the picture captured in the CCTV footage of the actor’s residence. The face recognition report of Saif Ali Khan’s attacker Shariful Islam has been prepared in Kalina Forensic Lab. According to sources, in the face recognition test, the picture of Shariful, who was captured in the CCTV room while coming down the stairs in Saif Ali Khan’s building, was matched forensically with the picture taken after Shariful’s arrest, in which both the pictures matched. The test has come positive. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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