Sports ministry ends cash prizes for junior athletes to tackle doping, age fraud

Sports ministry ends cash prizes for junior athletes to tackle doping, age fraud
Sports ministry ends cash prizes for junior athletes to tackle doping, age fraud

New Delhi: The government has decided to end the cash prizes for junior and sub-junior athletes. The Sports Ministry policy shift, which came into effect on February 1 is aimed at tackling doping and age frauds “keeping the hunger of youngsters alive”. The ministry has also named 51 sports that will be eligible for cash rewards, including all those which are a part of the Olympics, Asian and Commonwealth Games and the World University Games roster.

The list also includes kho-kho, which had its first World Cup in Delhi in January, Kurash and Ju-Jitsu are also included in the list. The ministry continues to have cash prizes for para-athletes and also decided to increase prize money for medal winners of events featuring deaf, blind and intellectually challenged athletes. Earlier athletes used to earn a maximum of Rs 10 lakh but now they will earn a maximum of Rs 20 lakh for a gold medal at a world event.

The ministry has not explained the scrapping of reward system for age group athletes, who have relied heavily on these incentives to finance their nutrition, equipment needs and coaching. A junior athlete earlier used to earn a little over Rs 13 lakh for winning the gold medal at a quadrennial world championship and a sub-junior athlete used to earn Rs 6.66 lakh for a top finish at a quadrennial world competition.

The new policy came into effect on February 1. Yogasana, mallakhamb and kho-kho are among the sports that the government is pushing for inclusion at international events. Break-dance made its Olympic debut at the 2024 Paris Olympics and was met with mixed response. The newly added sport will not be a part of the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics. E-sports made its debut as an exhibition sport in the Asian Games in 2023 also included in the list.

Prize money for gold medal winner at Olympics remains unchanged

The prize money for an Olympic gold medal winner remains unchanged and the highest reward (Rs 75 lakh) but the sports ministry it clear that there will be no prize money for the medals won at world or continental tournaments where the number of teams in any event is less than four.
“In any international sports event, if a sportsperson secures multiple medals in either individual or team categories, they shall be entitled to receive the cash incentive only for the highest-ranking medal won in that event,” the ministry further stated.

But if any athletes win multiple medals in the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games, Asian Games, and Para-Asian Games in either individual or team categories then the athlete will be eligible to receive the cash prize for each medal won.

 The Sports Ministry has decided to end the cash prizes for junior and sub-junior athletes. The ministry has also named 51 sports that will be eligible for cash rewards, including kho-kho and E-sports.  Other Sports Sports News: Latest Cricket News, Cricket Live Score, Sports Breaking News from Sports Today