Milan: A statue of Mahatma Gandhi’s bust was vandalised in Italy’s Milan by Khalistani extremists just hours after its inauguration. The accused also wrote controversial slogans related to Khalisatni terrorist Hardeep Singh Nijjar. Following the incident, local authorities claimed that the area was swiftly cleaned up in “record time”.
The incident happened just days ahead of the upcoming G-7 summit in which Prime Minister Narendra Modi will also participate.
The 50th G7 Summit will be held from June 14 in Italy. According to Foreign Secretary Vinay Mohan Kwatra, PM Modi will be travelling to Italy’s Apulia tomorrow to participate in the summit at the invite of Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.
Speaking about the incident, Foreign Secretary Kwatra said that the Indian authorities raised the matter of Mahatma Gandhi’s status being vandalised before Italian officials.
“Taken up the issue of vandalisation of Mahatma Gandhi’s statue with the Italian authorities. Necessary action has been taken,” he said.
Mahatma Gandhi’s Bust in Italy’s Milan Vandalised by Khalistani Extremists world-news World News | Latest International Global World News | Todays Breaking News Headlines