Bollywood actor Sonakshi Sinha finally got married in an intimate wedding on Sunday. The actor and Iqbal Zaheer have been dating for 7 years and finally had a court marriage on June 23rd. It was the Dabangg actor only who put an end to all the speculations by posting her wedding photos on the same say. And now Sonakshi took to her Instagram profile to post her reception photos. In these pictures, the newlyweds can be seen sharing a close bond while just exuding love and affection. Moreover, after wearing her mother’s wedding saree on her big day, the actor opted for a red Banarasi silk saree for her reception. Bollywood actor Sonakshi Sinha finally got married in an intimate wedding on Sunday. The actor and Iqbal Zaheer have been dating for 7 years and finally had a court marriage on June 23rd. It was the Dabangg actor only who put an end to all the speculations by posting her wedding photos on the same say. And now Sonakshi took to her Instagram profile to post her reception photos. In these pictures, the newlyweds can be seen sharing a close bond while just exuding love and affection. Moreover, after wearing her mother’s wedding saree on her big day, the actor opted for a red Banarasi silk saree for her reception. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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