Telangana Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy on Wednesday requested Union Minister of Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari to announce the southern part of the Regional Ring Road (RRR) as National Highway and to upgrade the Hyderabad-Vijayawada national highway to six lanes.
Revanth Reddy, who called on Nitin Gadkari in New Delhi today apprised him of the widening of national highways, announcement of new national highways and the commencement of work on the roads which have already been declared as national highways, an official release said here.
The CM informed the union minister that Sangareddy to Narsapur-Toopran-Gajwel-Jagdevpur-Bhongir-Choutuppal road on 158.645 km stretch has already been declared as a national highway and half of its land acquisition cost will be borne by the state government, it said.
The Telangana Chief Minister appealed to Gadkari to declare the road from Choutuppal to Amangal-Shadnagar-Sangareddy (181.87 km) as national highway.
The union minister was requested to declare the southern part of RRR as a national highway and grant funds in the NHAI Annual Plan this year, the release said.
The CM asked the union minister to declare Kalwakurthi to Kolhapur-Somasila-Karivena-Nandyal (NH-167K) road as a national highway and call for tenders to take up works on the 142 km stretch.
The union minister was asked to upgrade the two lane road between Hyderabad- Kalwakurthy (NH- 765k) to four lanes.
Revanth Reddy also appealed to Gadkari to declare the Jagityal-Peddapalli-Manthani-Kataram state highway as a national highway and allocate adequate funds, the release said.
The CM requested to sanction 12 ROBs/RUBs proposals submitted by the state government in 2023-24 under ‘Setu Bandhan’ scheme, the release added.
The CM asked the union minister to declare Kalwakurthi to Kolhapur-Somasila-Karivena-Nandyal (NH-167K) road as a national highway and call for tenders to take up works on the 142 km stretch. Telangana States News India: Top News India, States News, States News Headlines, Online State News India, State Politics news