New Delhi: Mira Rajput Kapoor is well-known for her versatile fashion choices and luxury fashion moments shared on Instagram by the lady. Recently, Mira took to her Instagram and shared a few pictures from her trip to London, she is travelling with her husband Shahid Kapoor and kids – Misha and Zain and have been sharing their moments from the vacancy together. On 19 July 2024 (Friday) Mira took to her Instagram and surprised the fans with a hot and chic red outfit co-ord set along with a few other moments from the London trip.
Mira looked gorgeous in a chic red ensemble, a red shirt with a floral pattern on the front along with matching pants.
Mira Rajput’s red chic ensemble decoded
Mira Rajput was recently spotted in a striking all-red co-ord set that showcased her fashion-forward style. She wore a vibrant red shirt, which was enhanced by its charming floral embroidery along the hemline, adding a touch of elegance and detail to the outfit. Complementing the top were regular-fit pants, also in red, featuring delicate floral detailing at the bottom hem, which created a cohesive and stylish look.
Mira Rajput’s red co-ord set from her London trip is a must-have for your next vacation. Check the details here for some inspiration. Fashion Lifestyle News -Fashion Trends, Beauty Tips, Celebrity Party News, Relationship advice, Travel and Food Tips