The much-awaited trailer of Khel Khel Mein is finally out. Starring Akshay Kumar, Taapsee Pannu, Ammy Virk, Vaani Kapoor, Fardeen Khan, Aditya Seal and Pragya Jaiswal in the lead roles, the film is releasing in cinemas on the occasion of Independence Day, August 15, 2024. As per the trailer, the lead cast of the film are best friends and decide to meet up for a party. After gathering together, all the girls decide to play a game with which all of them will have to unlock their mobile phones and put it on the table. Soon after, they start receiving personal messages and calls from those people whom they would avoid to take when they are around their loved ones. This creates utter embrassment for most of them, as they are unable to give excuses to their loved ones. The much-awaited trailer of Khel Khel Mein is finally out. Starring Akshay Kumar, Taapsee Pannu, Ammy Virk, Vaani Kapoor, Fardeen Khan, Aditya Seal and Pragya Jaiswal in the lead roles, the film is releasing in cinemas on the occasion of Independence Day, August 15, 2024. As per the trailer, the lead cast of the film are best friends and decide to meet up for a party. After gathering together, all the girls decide to play a game with which all of them will have to unlock their mobile phones and put it on the table. Soon after, they start receiving personal messages and calls from those people whom they would avoid to take when they are around their loved ones. This creates utter embrassment for most of them, as they are unable to give excuses to their loved ones. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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