Mohanlal, popular Malayalam actor, has been hospitalised after he returned from Gujarat recently where he was shooting for his next film, L2: Empuraan. South film industry’s popular film writer and columnist Sreedhar Pillai confirmed the news of Mohanlal being admitted to the hospital on his X account. He posted a medical bulletin of Amrita Vishwa Vidhyapeetham Hospital in Kochi in his post. ”Wishing @Mohanlal a speedy recovery!” he wrote along with the medical bulletin. Mohanlal, popular Malayalam actor, has been hospitalised after he returned from Gujarat recently where he was shooting for his next film, L2: Empuraan. South film industry’s popular film writer and columnist Sreedhar Pillai confirmed the news of Mohanlal being admitted to the hospital on his X account. He posted a medical bulletin of Amrita Vishwa Vidhyapeetham Hospital in Kochi in his post. ”Wishing @Mohanlal a speedy recovery!” he wrote along with the medical bulletin. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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