Film actress and BJP MP from Mandi Lok Sabha seat of Himachal Pradesh, Kangana Ranaut, is often in the news for her headline-making statements. However, this time she is in the news for her upcoming film ‘Emergency’ and its release. A petition has been filed in the Madhya Pradesh High Court (Jabalpur) against this film. It is being said that ‘Emergency’ may hurt the sentiments of the Sikh community. As per the pleaders, several scenes have come out in the film’s trailer, in which the form of Sikhs has been shown as gruesome and dangerous, which is completely wrong. Film actress and BJP MP from Mandi Lok Sabha seat of Himachal Pradesh, Kangana Ranaut, is often in the news for her headline-making statements. However, this time she is in the news for her upcoming film ‘Emergency’ and its release. A petition has been filed in the Madhya Pradesh High Court (Jabalpur) against this film. It is being said that ‘Emergency’ may hurt the sentiments of the Sikh community. As per the pleaders, several scenes have come out in the film’s trailer, in which the form of Sikhs has been shown as gruesome and dangerous, which is completely wrong. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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