Mumbai: Amidst the festivities of Ganesh Chaturthi, Malayalis in Kerala prepare for Onam, a 10-day festival marking the return of King Mahabali. Onam, one of Kerala’s grandest festivals, honours the state’s cultural and agricultural prosperity. This year, Onam will be celebrated from 6th September to 17th September, with the main event, Thiruvonam, taking place on 15th September.
The Legend of King Mahabali
The origin of Onam is rooted in the legend of King Mahabali, a beloved and benevolent ruler whose reign brought prosperity, peace, and equality to Kerala. However, Mahabali’s growing influence caused concern among the Gods. In response, Lord Vishnu appeared as Vamana, a Brahmin dwarf, and tricked the King into relinquishing his kingdom. Despite this, Mahabali was granted permission to return to his land once a year, and this homecoming is celebrated as Onam.
The Traditions of Onam
Onam is a festival marked by a variety of vibrant traditions and rituals that reflect Kerala’s rich cultural heritage. One of the most prominent features of the festival is the creation of Pookalams, intricate floral carpets designed to welcome King Mahabali. These floral decorations evolve daily, growing in complexity and beauty.
The Onam Sadya: A Culinary Feast
The Onam Sadya is another integral part of the celebrations, showcasing Kerala’s traditional cuisine. It includes a lavish spread of dishes like sambar, avial, and payasam, served on banana leaves. Families gather together to enjoy this feast, a symbol of unity and abundance.
Vallamkali: The Snake Boat Race
Among the highlights of Onam is the Vallamkali, or snake boat race. This iconic event sees villagers rowing in synchronised harmony, symbolising community spirit and cooperation. The race takes place on the Pamba River and draws crowds from across the region, eager to witness the thrilling competition.
Thiruvathira Kali and Traditional Games
In addition to the boat races, women gather to perform the graceful Thiruvathirakali or Kaikottikali, a traditional dance that honours marital harmony. Communities also participate in various games like tug-of-war and archery, adding to the joyful atmosphere that characterises Onam.
Thiruvonam Nakshathram and Kerala’s Agricultural Wealth
Onam not only celebrates Kerala’s cultural history but also pays tribute to its agricultural wealth. The festival coincides with the harvest season, making it a time of great abundance for the state. This year, the Thiruvonam Nakshathram begins at 8:32 PM on 14th September and ends at 6:49 PM on 15th September, marking the peak of the festivities.
Onam, a 10-day festival in Kerala, commemorates the return of the legendary King Mahabali and celebrates Kerala’s cultural richness and agricultural prosperity. Spirituality Lifestyle News -Fashion Trends, Beauty Tips, Celebrity Party News, Relationship advice, Travel and Food Tips