New Delhi: Ganesh Chaturthi is here and it is time to celebrate Bappa’s birthday! In India, the festival is celebrated with much fervour in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. This year, the celebrations will begin on September 7th and conclude on September 17 with the Visarjan. The 10-day festivities are centred on worshipping Bappa, the god of wealth, prosperity and good fortune. And talk of Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations, it is incomplete without modaks, Ganpati Bappa’s favourite mithai. But for diabetes patients, the celebrations must go on in a safer than usual manner.
Modak is a traditional dessert savoured by all every year during Ganesh Chaturthi and it is His favourite sweet. The steamed delight is made with rice flour and has a filling of gulkand and nuts. All in all, it is a tiny bundle that bursts with flavours in the mouth. Yet, for the health-conscious, especially diabetics, it is imperative to make the right choices. This Ganesh Chaturthi, learn how to make modaks healthier and diabetes-friendly. Try these 5 tips to make modaks tastier this year, and also safer for blood sugar levels.
Use wheat flour: Instead of using maida for your modaks this year, use whole wheat flour instead. Whole wheat flour has carbs and gluten, but it has fibre as well which makes it relatively safer for consumption.
Replace sugar: Avoid using white refined sugar in your modaks this year. It is a death sentence for a diabetes patient, when consumed in excess, mindlessly and for a prolonged period. Use safer, natural sweeteners instead, such as raisins, dates and anjeer. You can also use these two ingredients in the filling.
Healthy fillings: Stuff your modak with healthier fillings that have good fats, proteins, fibre and essential nutrients. These fillings can include almonds, cashews, coconuts, raisins, apples, bananas or even nut butter. You can also use spices like cinnamon and nutmeg.
Healthy fats: A diabetes patient must try to include healthy fats in the diet. In the case of modaks, it is advised to try making it with coconut milk or coconut oil. You can use this to also line the mould and to make the dough softer and healthier. Nuts can also make it healthier.
Steam them: Make modaks healthier by steaming or baking them instead of deep-frying. This can help keep the calorie content lower.
Ganesh Chaturthi 2024: Modak is a traditional dessert savoured by all every year during Ganesh Chaturthi and it is His favourite sweet. The steamed delight is made with rice flour and has a filling of gulkand and nuts. All in all, it is a tiny bundle that bursts with flavours in the mouth. Health Conditions Health News: Latest News from Health Care, Mental Health, Weight Loss, Disease, Nutrition, Healthcare