Bollywood and Tollywood actors Aditi Rao Hydari and Siddharth tied the knot on Monday morning in an intimate wedding in Telangana. The couple opted for a simple South Indian wedding at Sri Ranganayakaswamy temple. The nuptials took place in the presence of their close friends and family. The newlyweds also took to Instagram to share the heartwarming photos from their wedding. Bollywood and Tollywood actors Aditi Rao Hydari and Siddharth tied the knot on Monday morning in an intimate wedding in Telangana. The couple opted for a simple South Indian wedding at Sri Ranganayakaswamy temple. The nuptials took place in the presence of their close friends and family. The newlyweds also took to Instagram to share the heartwarming photos from their wedding. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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