Mumbai: September 20, 2024, marks the third day of Pitru Paksha, a sacred period in the Hindu calendar when families honour their ancestors through Shradh rituals. Pitru Paksha, also known as the fortnight of ancestors, spans 16 days, beginning from the full moon of the Bhadrapada month and ending on the new moon of Ashwin. Each day during this fortnight carries specific rituals, and September 20 is significant for performing Tritiya Shradh.
Shradh Rituals for Tritiya Shradh (Third Day)
Tritiya Shradh, also referred to as Teej Shradh, is observed in memory of family members who passed away on the third day (Tritiya) of either the waxing or waning moon. On this day, family members carry out offerings and prayers, seeking blessings from their ancestors. Performing Shradh during Pitru Paksha is believed to bring peace, prosperity, and protection for the family.
Auspicious Timings (Muhurtas) for Shradh on September 20, 2024
Timing is crucial when performing Shradh rituals. On September 20, 2024, there are three key muhurtas (auspicious timings) for performing the Shradh rituals:
Kutup Muhurta: 11:50 AM to 12:39 PM
Rohin Muhurta: 12:39 PM to 1:25 PM
Afternoon Muhurta: 1:25 PM to 3:52 PM
The overall period for performing the Shradh rituals extends from 12:39 PM to 9:15 PM, providing ample time for families to complete their offerings and prayers.
Essential Shradh Rituals on the Third Day
On the third day of Pitru Paksha, the following rituals should be performed to ensure blessings from the ancestors:
A mixture of honey, basil (Tulsi), Ganga water, raw milk, and barley is traditionally offered to the ancestors.
A ghee lamp should be lit alongside incense sticks to purify the environment and invite the presence of the ancestors.
Reciting the names of your ancestors while chanting mantras is crucial to invoke their blessings. This helps in maintaining harmony and peace within the family.
Offering food to Brahmins is a core part of the Shradh ritual, symbolising respect and gratitude towards the departed souls.
By adhering to these rituals, families can express reverence for their ancestors and invite their blessings for family well-being.
Significance of Pitru Paksha
Pitru Paksha is a period for reflection and respect. Hindus believe that offering Shradh during this time helps in the peaceful transition of the souls of the deceased and ensures that the family receives protection and prosperity. It is also a time when families abstain from starting new ventures or engaging in auspicious activities, focusing instead on remembering their forebears.
As you perform the rituals on September 20, 2024, remember that Tritiya Shradh is a powerful way to honour the departed and maintain their blessings. By following the prescribed rituals with sincerity and within the auspicious timings, you can ensure peace and prosperity for your family during Pitru Paksha 2024.
On September 20, 2024, the third day of Pitru Paksha, Hindus perform Tritiya Shradh rituals to honour their ancestors. Discover the key offerings, customs, and auspicious timings for this sacred day. Spirituality Lifestyle News -Fashion Trends, Beauty Tips, Celebrity Party News, Relationship advice, Travel and Food Tips