On the occasion of Dussehra, filmmaker Anil Sharma, best known for his blockbuster films Gadar: Ek Prem Katha and Gadar 2: The Katha Continues, announced his new project titled Apne Hi Apno Ko Dete Hai: Vanvaas. The film will be made under Zee Studios banner. Taking to social media, the makers shared an announcement video, offering a first glimpse of Apne Hi Apno Ko Dete Hai: Vanvaas. “Kahani zindagi ki….. Kahani jazbaat ki. Kahani apno ke vishwaas ki! Pure parivaar ke sang dekhiye parivaar ki film, #Vanvaas, coming soon in theatres near you. Aap sabhi ko Dussehra ki hardik shubhkamnayein,” they captioned the post. On the occasion of Dussehra, filmmaker Anil Sharma, best known for his blockbuster films Gadar: Ek Prem Katha and Gadar 2: The Katha Continues, announced his new project titled Apne Hi Apno Ko Dete Hai: Vanvaas. The film will be made under Zee Studios banner. Taking to social media, the makers shared an announcement video, offering a first glimpse of Apne Hi Apno Ko Dete Hai: Vanvaas. “Kahani zindagi ki….. Kahani jazbaat ki. Kahani apno ke vishwaas ki! Pure parivaar ke sang dekhiye parivaar ki film, #Vanvaas, coming soon in theatres near you. Aap sabhi ko Dussehra ki hardik shubhkamnayein,” they captioned the post. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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