Bollywood actor and director Divya Khossla’s film ‘Savi’ was released in May this year. The film may not have done well at the box office, but its name has been in the headlines since the release of Alia Bhatt’s ‘Jigra’. Firstly, Divya accused Alia of buying her film tickets to show fake box office numbers and later a war of words broke out between Divya and ‘Jigra’ producer Karan Johar. ‘Savi’ actor’s team also accused Jigra of being a copy of their film. Amid all this, Divya’s new interview with Hindustan Times has started a new row. Bollywood actor and director Divya Khossla’s film ‘Savi’ was released in May this year. The film may not have done well at the box office, but its name has been in the headlines since the release of Alia Bhatt’s ‘Jigra’. Firstly, Divya accused Alia of buying her film tickets to show fake box office numbers and later a war of words broke out between Divya and ‘Jigra’ producer Karan Johar. ‘Savi’ actor’s team also accused Jigra of being a copy of their film. Amid all this, Divya’s new interview with Hindustan Times has started a new row. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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