Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra, who made his debut 12 years back will now be seen romancing a 12-year-old younger actress in his next film. He has proved his ability in every genre including action, thriller, biopics, and romance. Once again the actor is going to be seen in a romantic drama after doing several patriotic films. Siddharth Malhotra, who started his career in 2012 with Student of the Year has shared the screen with many actresses from Alia Bhatt to Kiara Advani. Now he will be seen opposite an actress, with whom he has never worked before. Yes! Fresh pair alert. Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra, who made his debut 12 years back will now be seen romancing a 12-year-old younger actress in his next film. He has proved his ability in every genre including action, thriller, biopics, and romance. Once again the actor is going to be seen in a romantic drama after doing several patriotic films. Siddharth Malhotra, who started his career in 2012 with Student of the Year has shared the screen with many actresses from Alia Bhatt to Kiara Advani. Now he will be seen opposite an actress, with whom he has never worked before. Yes! Fresh pair alert. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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