Legendary filmmaker Boney Kapoor is celebrating his 69th birthday today, November 11, 2024. He has been receiving birthday wishes from across his friends in the film fraternity including his daughter Khushi Kapoor, who shared an adorable post on her Instagram, calling him the ‘coolest Kapoor’ and ‘best Dad ever’. Taking to her Instagram handle under the Stories section, Khushi shared a throwback picture of her father and wrote, ”Happy Birthday to the coolest Kapoor and the best Dad ever. Love you papa,” along with a white heart emoji. Legendary filmmaker Boney Kapoor is celebrating his 69th birthday today, November 11, 2024. He has been receiving birthday wishes from across his friends in the film fraternity including his daughter Khushi Kapoor, who shared an adorable post on her Instagram, calling him the ‘coolest Kapoor’ and ‘best Dad ever’. Taking to her Instagram handle under the Stories section, Khushi shared a throwback picture of her father and wrote, ”Happy Birthday to the coolest Kapoor and the best Dad ever. Love you papa,” along with a white heart emoji. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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