Bollywood actor Abhishek Bachchan is set to showcase a unique and never-before-seen avatar in Shoojit Sircar’s much-anticipated film ‘I Want To Talk’. However, in a surprising revelation, director Shoojit Sircar disclosed that the role was not originally envisioned by Abhishek Bachchan. Moreover, the filmmaker also opened up about writing the role for the late actor Irrfan Khan. Bollywood actor Abhishek Bachchan is set to showcase a unique and never-before-seen avatar in Shoojit Sircar’s much-anticipated film ‘I Want To Talk’. However, in a surprising revelation, director Shoojit Sircar disclosed that the role was not originally envisioned by Abhishek Bachchan. Moreover, the filmmaker also opened up about writing the role for the late actor Irrfan Khan. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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