Film director Rakesh Roshan has announced his retirement as a film director on Monday. The actor-turned-filmmaker said that he will now just focus on his producer’s role. Along with this, Rakesh Roshan gave a major update on Hrithik Roshan’s Krrish 4. He said that he is going to produce ‘Krrish 4’ and is going to make his son’s film from his production house. Film director Rakesh Roshan has announced his retirement as a film director on Monday. The actor-turned-filmmaker said that he will now just focus on his producer’s role. Along with this, Rakesh Roshan gave a major update on Hrithik Roshan’s Krrish 4. He said that he is going to produce ‘Krrish 4’ and is going to make his son’s film from his production house. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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