The Great Indian Kapil Show’s latest episode featured ace cricketers Navjot Singh Sidhu and Harbhajan Singh along with their better halves. Ahead of the episode, the makers termed the episode as the ‘biggest surprise’ for the fans. This also marked the reunion of Sidhu and Kapil Sharma on his show after a long gap of five years. Now, speculations among the show’s fans have begun regarding the next episode, regarding the guests who will be gracing TGIKS. The Great Indian Kapil Show’s latest episode featured ace cricketers Navjot Singh Sidhu and Harbhajan Singh along with their better halves. Ahead of the episode, the makers termed the episode as the ‘biggest surprise’ for the fans. This also marked the reunion of Sidhu and Kapil Sharma on his show after a long gap of five years. Now, speculations among the show’s fans have begun regarding the next episode, regarding the guests who will be gracing TGIKS. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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