On the occasion of Christmas 2024, the Baby John actor Varun Dhawan shared the first-ever family picture of himself with wife Natasha Dalal and their newborn daughter Lara. Taking to his Instagram handle, the actor wrote, ”Me with my babies. Merry Christmas.” In the picture, Varun is seen holding his pet dog Joey while Natasha is holding their daughter, however, Varun Dhawan did not reveal Lara’s face and covered it with a red heart emoji. The Dhawan family kept is casual for the festivity and both Varun and Natasha wore comfortable outfits. On the occasion of Christmas 2024, the Baby John actor Varun Dhawan shared the first-ever family picture of himself with wife Natasha Dalal and their newborn daughter Lara. Taking to his Instagram handle, the actor wrote, ”Me with my babies. Merry Christmas.” In the picture, Varun is seen holding his pet dog Joey while Natasha is holding their daughter, however, Varun Dhawan did not reveal Lara’s face and covered it with a red heart emoji. The Dhawan family kept is casual for the festivity and both Varun and Natasha wore comfortable outfits. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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