Bollywood actress Sharvari Wagh, who became famous in every household with films like Munjya and Maharaja, has shared her last day of work of 2024 on her social media handle. This post was the day spent on the sets of her film Alpha, seeing which her fans seemed excited. Starring Alia Bhatt and Sharvari Wagh, the film is being directed by Shiv Rawail. Produced by Aditya Chopra, Alpha is a part of the YRF spy universe. Bollywood actress Sharvari Wagh, who became famous in every household with films like Munjya and Maharaja, has shared her last day of work of 2024 on her social media handle. This post was the day spent on the sets of her film Alpha, seeing which her fans seemed excited. Starring Alia Bhatt and Sharvari Wagh, the film is being directed by Shiv Rawail. Produced by Aditya Chopra, Alpha is a part of the YRF spy universe. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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