Oscar-winning music composer AR Rahman and Saira Banu announced their split on Tuesday. The decision was confirmed in a statement sent by the couple’s attorney, Vandana Shah. Khatija, Raheema, and Ameen are the three children from their 29 years of marriage. However, soon after the divorce announcement, Rahman was surrounded by several controversial attacks. Now music composer AR Rahman’s wife Saira Banu has issued her new statement. She has requested everyone not to tarnish Rahman’s image. YouTubers and media were requested to avoid hurting Rahman and his family. Saira Banu also talked about her health. Oscar-winning music composer AR Rahman and Saira Banu announced their split on Tuesday. The decision was confirmed in a statement sent by the couple’s attorney, Vandana Shah. Khatija, Raheema, and Ameen are the three children from their 29 years of marriage. However, soon after the divorce announcement, Rahman was surrounded by several controversial attacks. Now music composer AR Rahman’s wife Saira Banu has issued her new statement. She has requested everyone not to tarnish Rahman’s image. YouTubers and media were requested to avoid hurting Rahman and his family. Saira Banu also talked about her health. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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