Bollywood actress Ileana D’Cruz Ileana shared a video from 2024 on her Instagram and most of the pictures and clips in the reel were related to her husband Michael and baby boy Koa Phoenix Dolan. However, what people did not notice was that in the ‘October’ segment, the actress inserted a clip in which she can be seen showing her pregnancy test results to the camera and the word ‘pregnant’ is clearly visible. The actor has surprised her fans by announcing her second pregnancy with her husband Michael Dolan in her New Year post. Bollywood actress Ileana D’Cruz Ileana shared a video from 2024 on her Instagram and most of the pictures and clips in the reel were related to her husband Michael and baby boy Koa Phoenix Dolan. However, what people did not notice was that in the ‘October’ segment, the actress inserted a clip in which she can be seen showing her pregnancy test results to the camera and the word ‘pregnant’ is clearly visible. The actor has surprised her fans by announcing her second pregnancy with her husband Michael Dolan in her New Year post. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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