Comedian Kapil Sharma’s show ‘The Great Indian Kapil Show’ was launched this time not on TV but on the OTT platform Netflix. This show was released simultaneously in about 190 countries and was well-liked by the audience. After 13 episodes of this show were released, it ended its first season. But now once again this show is going to return to Netflix. Kapil himself has announced this by sharing a video on social media on Wednesday. Comedian Kapil Sharma’s show ‘The Great Indian Kapil Show’ was launched this time not on TV but on the OTT platform Netflix. This show was released simultaneously in about 190 countries and was well-liked by the audience. After 13 episodes of this show were released, it ended its first season. But now once again this show is going to return to Netflix. Kapil himself has announced this by sharing a video on social media on Wednesday. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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