South Indian fans have been waiting for the Tamil film Vidaamuyarchi for a long time. However, to witness the magic of Ajith Kumar and Trisha Krishnan on the big screens, fans will have to wait longer. Vidaamuyarchi, which is a remake of the famous Hollywood film Breakdown has been postponed. It is significant to note that Vidaamuyarchi’s teaser was appreciated for its exciting visuals and action. Apart from Ajith and Trisha, Arjun Sarja and Regina Cassandra are also in the film. South Indian fans have been waiting for the Tamil film Vidaamuyarchi for a long time. However, to witness the magic of Ajith Kumar and Trisha Krishnan on the big screens, fans will have to wait longer. Vidaamuyarchi, which is a remake of the famous Hollywood film Breakdown has been postponed. It is significant to note that Vidaamuyarchi’s teaser was appreciated for its exciting visuals and action. Apart from Ajith and Trisha, Arjun Sarja and Regina Cassandra are also in the film. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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