Pushpa 2 star Allu Arjun on Sunday was spotted arriving at the Chikkadpally police station in Hyderabad, complying with his bail conditions set by the Nampally court. The actor was recently granted bail in connection with the stampede incident that occurred at the Sandhya Theatre where a 39-year-old woman died during the midnight screening of Pushpa 2: The Rule. Allu Arjun’s visit to the police station is a part of the ongoing legal process following the incident, which garnered widespread media attention. Pushpa 2 star Allu Arjun on Sunday was spotted arriving at the Chikkadpally police station in Hyderabad, complying with his bail conditions set by the Nampally court. The actor was recently granted bail in connection with the stampede incident that occurred at the Sandhya Theatre where a 39-year-old woman died during the midnight screening of Pushpa 2: The Rule. Allu Arjun’s visit to the police station is a part of the ongoing legal process following the incident, which garnered widespread media attention. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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