After multiple flops in the year 2024, Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar is ready to start the new year with a bang. His upcoming film ‘Sky Force’ is going to be released in the month of January. Recently the makers have released the trailer of the film. Do you know that this film is inspired by a real-life incident? Yes! Air Force film is based on India’s retaliatory attack on Pakistan during the 1956 air war. This was India’s first air strike and is said to be the deadliest airstrike ever done by the nation. After multiple flops in the year 2024, Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar is ready to start the new year with a bang. His upcoming film ‘Sky Force’ is going to be released in the month of January. Recently the makers have released the trailer of the film. Do you know that this film is inspired by a real-life incident? Yes! Air Force film is based on India’s retaliatory attack on Pakistan during the 1956 air war. This was India’s first air strike and is said to be the deadliest airstrike ever done by the nation. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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