New Delhi: The government is considering mandatory hallmarking for silver, Consumer Affairs Minister Pralhad Joshi said on Monday. According to Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), “Hallmarking is the accurate determination and official recording of the proportionate content of precious metal in precious metal articles. Hallmarks are thus official marks used in many countries as a guarantee of purity or fineness of precious metal articles.”
The body mentions that the Hallmarking Scheme is aimed to protect the public against adulteration and to obligate manufacturers to maintain legal standards of fineness.
The government made mandatory hallmarking vide Hallmarking of Gold Jewellery and Gold Artefacts with effect from 23 June 2021. The government has repeatedly encouraged consumers to verify the authenticity and purity of the hallmarked gold jewellery items with HUID number purchased by using ‘verify HUID’ in BIS Care app which can be downloaded from the Play Store.
Gold jewellery hallmarking comprises of 3 markings which are as follows:
BIS Standard Mark
Purity of Gold in carats & fineness
6-digit Alphanumeric HUID code. HUID – Hallmarking unique ID is a unique 6-digit alphanumeric code which is marked on each gold jewellery article.
“Hallmarking is the accurate determination and official recording of the proportionate content of precious metal in the precious metal article. Hallmarking provides consumers third party assurance and satisfaction that they get right purity of gold (or silver). Under Hallmarking Scheme of BIS, registration is granted to jewellers for selling hallmarked jewellery and recognition is given to Assaying and Hallmarking Centres for hallmarking jewellery based on purity observed during testing,” Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution said.
AS per the latest government data, over 40 crore gold jewellery items have been hallmarked with a unique HUID. The fourth phase of mandatory hallmarking kickstarted from November 5, 2024.
The government is considering mandatory hallmarking for silver, Consumer Affairs Minister Pralhad Joshi said on Monday. Biz News Business News – Personal Finance News, Share Market News, BSE/NSE News, Stock Exchange News Today