Bollywood’s fiery queen, Kangana Ranaut, is all set to make her grand return to the silver screen with her highly anticipated political drama Emergency. After facing delays and controversies, the film is now gearing up to hit theatres on January 17, and the buzz around it is electric. Adding fuel to the excitement, the makers have dropped a brand-new trailer that has left fans raving about Kangana’s transformation into former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Bollywood’s fiery queen, Kangana Ranaut, is all set to make her grand return to the silver screen with her highly anticipated political drama Emergency. After facing delays and controversies, the film is now gearing up to hit theatres on January 17, and the buzz around it is electric. Adding fuel to the excitement, the makers have dropped a brand-new trailer that has left fans raving about Kangana’s transformation into former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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