New Delhi: The railway administration recently announced that four new Vande Bharat Express trains will run from Pune, bringing the total number of such trains to six. This will improve connectivity and offer the people of Pune a faster and more comfortable travel option.
New Vande Bharat Express Routes from Pune
The new routes are:
These routes will significantly reduce travel time and make it easier for commuters.
Currently, 3 Vande Bharat Express trains start or pass through Pune: Pune-SSS Hubballi
Mumbai CSMT-Solapur
Enhanced Amenities & Safety Features of the Trains
Faster and Reliable Services: These routes will meet the high demand for quick rail travel, significantly reducing travel times.
Modern Amenities: The trains have comfortable, ergonomic seating and other state-of-the-art features.
Advanced Safety Features: Safety is a top priority, and new safety systems are in place to protect passengers.
Alternative to Road Travel: Trains are faster and smoother than road travel.
Upcoming Launch: While the exact launch dates are not confirmed, officials expect the trains to start running soon, improving connectivity.
These routes may also boost tourism in the areas they connect, offering travellers a comfortable and efficient transportation option. This expansion shows the government’s dedication to modernising India’s rail system, especially in busy cities like Pune. Adding four new Vande Bharat Express trains from Pune will greatly improve rail travel in the region.
What are the ticket prices for Vande Bharat routes in Pune?
Pune-Kolhapur Route: Standard seating costs Rs 560; special coach tickets are Rs 1,135.
Pune-Hubli Route: Standard seating is Rs 1,530; special coach tickets cost Rs 2,780.
These ticket prices reflect the Vande Bharat Express’s premium features, such as faster travel and better amenities. The trains will operate multiple times a week, serving both occasional and regular passengers.
About Vande Bharat Express Train
Over 135 Vande Bharat Express train services operate across the country on various routes. This train, developed in India, is the fastest in the country and has run at full capacity since it started. The Vande Bharat Express offers speed, comfort, and safety. As more routes and services are added, this train will continue to improve the travel experience for millions of passengers in India.
Four new Vande Bharat Express trains will commence services from Pune, expanding the network to six. The new routes will offer faster and more comfortable travel options. These trains boast modern amenities and advanced safety features, providing a superior alternative to road travel. The expansion signifies a significant investment in modernising India’s rail network. Biz News Business News – Personal Finance News, Share Market News, BSE/NSE News, Stock Exchange News Today