New Delhi: Kolkata audiences are in for a special treat as the globally acclaimed solo musical play My Name Is Jaan comes to GD Birla Sabhaghar on 23rd February 2025. Starring the immensely talented Arpita Chatterjee, this 90-minute performance brings to life the remarkable story of Gauhar Jaan, India’s first recording artist. Directed by Abanti Chakraborty, the play captures Gauhar’s rise to fame, her groundbreaking gramophone recordings, and the challenges she faced as a trailblazer in Indian classical music.
The play has received widespread praise, including a glowing endorsement from Bollywood legend Anupam Kher after its Mumbai premiere. Kher, deeply moved by Arpita Chatterjee’s performance, remarked, “What range of emotions, what grace, what a voice! It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a performance of such calibre. I learnt so much from watching you.” His heartfelt applause added to the growing recognition of My Name Is Jaan as a must-watch theatrical masterpiece.
After successful performances in Mumbai and Germany, My Name Is Jaan is set to enchant Delhi, Kolkata, and Canada with its captivating mix of storytelling, music, and history. The play not only showcases Gauhar Jaan’s achievements but also highlights her struggles, resilience, and the legacy she left behind. Through Arpita Chatterjee’s flawless acting and live singing, the audience will experience Gauhar’s journey in all its emotional and cultural depth.
My Name Is Jaan in Kolkata
When: 23rd February 2025
Where: GD Birla Sabhaghar, 29 Ashutosh Chowdhury Ave, Ballygunge, Kolkata, West Bengal 700019
Don’t miss this chance to witness a stunning performance that celebrates the legacy of Gauhar Jaan, one of India’s most iconic musical pioneers.
Globally acclaimed musical play My Name Is Jaan, starring Arpita Chatterjee, brings the inspiring life of Gauhar Jaan to GD Birla Sabhaghar, Kolkata, on 23rd February 2025. Secure your seats for this unforgettable tribute to India’s first recording artist. Events Lifestyle News -Fashion Trends, Beauty Tips, Celebrity Party News, Relationship advice, Travel and Food Tips