Pan India star Jr NTR returned to the big screens after two years with his multi-lingual film Devara: Part 1. Fans had high hopes for Siva Kortala’s film as the makers had built quite an anticipation for the film that also starred Bollywood actors Saif Ali Khan and Janhvi Kapoor. However, the film was not able to live up to the expectations. Despite having good VFX, the Pan India film was unable to compensate for the flaws in the storyline. Now that the film is available on the OTT platform Netflix, have a look at Devara’s box office report card here. Pan India star Jr NTR returned to the big screens after two years with his multi-lingual film Devara: Part 1. Fans had high hopes for Siva Kortala’s film as the makers had built quite an anticipation for the film that also starred Bollywood actors Saif Ali Khan and Janhvi Kapoor. However, the film was not able to live up to the expectations. Despite having good VFX, the Pan India film was unable to compensate for the flaws in the storyline. Now that the film is available on the OTT platform Netflix, have a look at Devara’s box office report card here. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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